Company human resources management and analysis of the problems of countermeasures

更新时间:2019-03-29 17:01:00点击:410132 Industry Views

The management of “people” is the core and most challenging factor in enterprise management. The construction of corporate culture is inseparable from human resource management. In recent years, the company has taken the corporate culture as the core, advocated the cultural concept of people-oriented and morality, and vigorously created a harmonious and healthy corporate culture atmosphere, and led the work to achieve: employees work hard and contribute to the development of the company. Promote the company's sustained, stable and healthy development; the company creates a platform for employees to use their personal talents to protect employees' rights and benefits and get the rewards they deserve, and ultimately achieve a win-win situation for both the company and its employees. However, in the specific implementation process, there are certain problems, especially between the construction of corporate culture and human resources management, there are more prominent contradictions. On the one hand, the company vigorously advocates the people-oriented corporate culture from top to bottom. On the other hand, the current situation of corporate brain drain and lack of professionals is difficult to avoid. We need to seriously study and solve them. Below, in response to this issue, combined with personal work experience to put forward some insights, please leaders and colleagues criticized and corrected.

I. Problems and analysis in the company's human resource management

1. Lack of professionals. At the meeting of the main leaders of the company's grassroots party and government held on July 31, General Manager Zhang Zhonghui specifically mentioned the lack of professionals in the keynote speech, and the situation of serious shortage of company professionals is evident. First, the newly established project department of the company is very difficult in selecting and selecting professionals. It is difficult for key personnel to be in place. It is often necessary for the project department leaders to use their personal work relationship to “recruit the horse”; the second is the company's human resources company professional reserve. Insufficient, after the establishment of the new project, the deployment of professionals is stretched. Even a budgetary, technician and surveyor need to be personally questioned by the company's leadership team. Third, the lack of professionals is not limited to technology, quality inspection, measurement and accounting. Professional, grassroots unit offices, party groups, materials, labor and management professions also have a lack of personnel, and the grassroots units have the phenomenon of managers being transferred at will.

2. Employee skills do not meet the job requirements. In daily communication, many leaders of grassroots units have found some common feelings and experiences in the daily management of employees, that is, many subordinate employees are not qualified for their jobs, and one person's work sometimes requires more than two personnel to complete. Many employees have relatively simple skills and abilities. They can engage in poor internal communication and communication. The business ability is still poor, but the management level is not enough. It can't be written. It can't be written. The general lack of compound employees has become a problem in the work of grassroots units.

3. There is a certain gap between the income of professional staff and the market. With the development of the domestic market economy and the intensification of the flow of professionals, the market value of professionals has gradually formed, depending on the needs of the market. In recent years, domestic infrastructure construction and real estate development are in full swing, and mature technology, budget and other professionals have no difficulty in obtaining a job in the market. The company is affected by the big environment of the electricity construction market, the higher-level policy and its own decision-making. In the development, there are problems in the development of grassroots units that are not balanced and the same post income. Some grassroots units have a large gap between the income of professionals and the market, which has affected the mentality of some professionals to some extent.

4, income distribution can not reflect more work and more. "Distribution according to work, more work and more work, pay for performance" is the income distribution model that the company has been advocating, but there are certain difficulties and problems in actual implementation. First, there are redundant staff in the grassroots units, and fairness often becomes the egalitarianism of the characteristics of state-owned enterprises. Second, the company implements fixed-term fixed salary. Once the position is determined, the income is basically determined. However, how to evaluate whether the on-the-job personnel are competent, lack of corresponding assessment standards and management methods; Third, the company implements the total wage examination and approval system for the grassroots units, the highest performance of the post performance salary, often can not be penalized, and the specific operation is more cumbersome, real implementation There are very few grassroots units for performance appraisal; fourth, job is the main way to increase personal income. Jobs rose, jobs increased, and income increased naturally. When professionals are transferred, whether they can improve their position becomes the primary factor for professional consideration.

5. The overall quality of newly allocated college students has a downward trend. In recent years, compared with the 1980s and 1990s, the overall quality of the colleges and universities recruited by the company has gradually declined. The reasons for the analysis are as follows: First, the expansion of colleges and universities, enrollment is low, and under the same academic qualifications, The overall quality is declining; the second is to adapt to the rapid flow of talents in the market and the needs of different positions, aiming to recruit students with low and medium qualifications; third, the employment difficulties of colleges and universities are currently prominent social problems, and state-owned enterprises have more shoulders. Social functions, stabilizing the workforce, and solving the employment of employees' children are also real problems that the company must face. At the same time, in the survival and development of enterprises, it is necessary to coordinate and handle certain social and industrial relations. Therefore, some students who are not professionally assigned to the company are assigned to the company, the position is difficult to arrange, and the individual needs to re-learn, which has a certain degree of influence on the original intention of the company to introduce college students.

6. Professionals are seriously drained. Affected by the construction market environment, the company's own environment and the personal factors of employees, the loss of professional staff in recent years is more serious, involving administrative, production, accounting, technology, quality, measurement and other majors, according to professional analysis, technical and budget personnel. Most prominent. According to the analysis of working years and identity, within three years of work, the loss of college students in the personnel agency system is the most common. According to the analysis of the unit, the problems of the first-level project department and the original champion team are outstanding.

7. There is a blind spot in the management of professionals during the waiting period. Analysis of the reasons for the loss of students and professionals in colleges and universities in recent years has personal subjective factors, but it also has a lot to do with improper management. The problems of the company's first-level project department are particularly prominent. At present, during the closing of the project, the phenomenon of employee shunting is widespread, and the project department is a temporary organization. When the project is over, the organization is disbanded, and the subordinates cannot bear the follow-up management responsibility, while the human resources company is in terms of authority, function and economy. It is impossible to achieve timely connection, follow-up management with the project department, and form a management blind spot, which will cause key professionals to look forward to the post and aggravate the loss.

8. The management of the technical team of the title team is not in place. The title team is the construction team management model implemented by the company after 20xx, which has contributed to the development of the company and also trained a group of talents. However, in the implementation, the management of the technical backbone is insufficient. First, the technical backbone has more and more part-time jobs, and the professional work energy is affected. Second, compared with other grassroots units, the title team technician lacks a sense of belonging; thirdly, the company has omissions in the management of the title team technicians, resulting in the title. Technicians can easily lose if the team has big changes or no projects. With the company's adjustment of the title team system, this issue should be improved now.

2. Countermeasures and measures taken in human resources management under current conditions

The above issues cover employee recruitment, career planning, skills training, job skills assessment, fixed salary, performance appraisal, employee internal deployment, personnel, administrative management system revision and employee turnover, resignation management and other aspects. Comprehensive analysis, the main countermeasures are:

First, strictly control the entry of professional positions and implement employee career planning.

The entrance of professional posts is the focus of human resources management. First, when recruiting college and technical secondary school students, efforts should be made to grasp the relationship between the professional and individual quality of the students (the employment of employees can be moderately relaxed), and lay a good foundation for future career planning; The second is to newly assign college and technical secondary school students, according to their professional, personal wishes, comprehensive quality, arrange the probationary post, determine their professional positions through the internship period; third, the separation of professional post management rights and use rights. Within the scope of the company's specialties, the company's professional departments cooperate with the human resources company to implement the admission management for professionals. The grassroots units only have the power to select people within the scope of professionals, prevent employees from being transferred at will and the grassroots units to deploy at will, and strengthen the professional management of positions. Fourth, according to the individual comprehensive ability of employees, the human resources company and the grassroots units help employees to carry out basic career planning, so that employees can identify the weak links and development direction in their personal work.

Second, strengthen employee work ability assessment and assessment file management, strengthen post study education, and standardize employee management appointments.

The assessment of employees' work process is the core of human resource management. Whether the employee's work attitude is correct, whether he is competent, whether the position should be promoted or lowered, whether he has the ability to work at the same time, whether the learning ability is strong or not, the basic conclusion can be drawn through the assessment, and the employee's on-the-job training can be determined for the weak links found in the assessment. direction. At the same time, it is also a key way to identify professional backbones and talents for key management. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the evaluation of the employee's work process.

First, it is managed by the human resources company, and the company's organs and various grassroots units cooperate with each other to conduct professional work and evaluation of job qualifications and job qualifications for the professional technicians and managers at all levels of the company (first quarter or half year) and establish management files. Specifically, each employee's work can be scored and commented by his or her superior, subordinate, and peer colleagues, and can be extended to employee responsibility, performance, and other comprehensive competency evaluations. In the end, every employee has a file of work ability, performance and comprehensive quality assessment analysis at any time and in any position during the company's work. For the selection of cadres, basic information and data are provided for the appointment of important personnel and career planning of employees; secondly, combined with the actual production, post-education education is carried out to improve the effectiveness of on-the-job education. Timely training for employees who voluntarily change jobs and have more job skills needs, train a multi-functional staff, expand employees' positions, timely train their business ability to meet job requirements, or correct career planning for pre-transfer training; Conduct multi-service rotation training for employees with similar business positions, and train one-person multi-energy employees; third, standardize employee management and appointment. The professional management of employees implements the management of the access system, and the human resources company registers and records the professionals of the company (including the ability to work concurrently). If the unregistered professional staff is transferred to the post or part-time, they must pass the examination and consent of the professional department of the company to transfer the post and concurrently. The grassroots units only have the power to choose among the professional pools, and they are not allowed to arbitrarily deploy staff positions, and prevent employees from changing jobs at will, and strengthen professional management of positions. In recent years, the company has gradually decentralized the responsibilities of the cadres at the grassroots level and increased the power at the grassroots level, but there are also some shortcomings. The business hours and job experience of the proposed management personnel shall be clearly defined, and the time limit shall be appropriately increased, and the company shall be specially approved for approval. To enhance the seriousness of the appointment and dismissal of cadres, and to prevent the arbitrariness and excessive excessive use of cadres.

Third, strengthen process management and assessment incentives, and moderately flexible management models.

First, strict implementation of fixed-term fixed-member and competitive employment systems for management agencies at all levels, especially for the first-line project department. Among them, capacity is the key. When the fixed post is graded, it is strictly checked, the job level is used to distinguish the work ability, and the income gap is opened; the second is to strengthen the work ability evaluation and strengthen the process assessment. Efforts will be made to improve the position of the post, to be able to work in a position, to place employees with good business quality and strong sense of responsibility in key jobs; third, the key income of key positions is properly aligned with the market, and the income of the post is reduced. The gap in market value. At present, the company's professionals are lacking, and the grassroots backbones are basically promoted or raised by the grassroots leaders to increase their income. However, there are also strong business capabilities and key positions. There are competitions between two or more backbones. Due to the limited number of positions offered, it is necessary to consider ensuring that the gap between the income and the same type of positions in the market cannot be too large to reduce the risk of brain drain; It is to strictly control the total wages and use the internal performance pay of flexible grassroots units. The correct use of performance pay is one of the important means of arbitrarily rewarding lazy and mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees. Especially in the current fierce competition in the construction market and the decline in project profit margin, some project departments have reduced various types of rewards. It is especially important to use live performance pay. It is recommended that the company actively explore how to manage and use it flexibly under the premise of strictly controlling the total wages, the share of performance pay (the average performance salary of general staff is only 300 yuan) and the way of use. To a certain extent, the grassroots units can suppress the phenomenon of egalitarianism and whipping fast cattle, so that more workers can get more; the fifth is to strengthen the management of professionals during the project. It is unavoidable that the staff of the project department will be on leave in the final period of the project. The key is to take special measures for key personnel of important businesses to shorten the rest time of key positions and increase the income during the period of waiting for posts. If conditions permit, they should be mobilized to other projects in time to avoid waiting for posts as much as possible.

Fourth, comply with the market environment of talent flow and rationalize employee export.

The flow of talents is a general trend in the social environment and market environment. Just like water conservancy projects, the problem is to block and block, and the problem cannot be solved. The key is how to strengthen the guidance and dredge. First, implement the talent evaluation and selection mechanism within the enterprise, discover talents in a timely manner, and reuse them to treat people, pay for their jobs, retain their feelings, and reduce the outflow of key employees. Second, it is obviously beneficial to the personal development of employees. In this case, employees should be sent to the work of the staff, and no obstacles should be set up to make the employees feel grateful and nostalgic when they leave. At the same time, strengthen the contact with the employees after leaving the enterprise, so that they become the information of the external market environment of the enterprise. The third is to strictly implement the company management system for employees who want to enjoy the high income of the market and want to rely on the company to solve the problem of personal pension, and collect the management fee of the foreign business, and cancel the contract.

In short, human resource management is a complex system engineering. It requires the company's management personnel from top to bottom to work together and cooperate closely, strictly implement the correct management policies and systems, and ensure that there is no omission in every link to enable human resources. The management work is better, the employees' enthusiasm and initiative are truly brought into play, the company's cohesiveness and centripetal force are enhanced, the foundation for corporate culture is laid, and the company's healthy and sustainable development and longevity are escorted.

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